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Last updated May 13, 2022

SQxR refers to the two acronyms SQxR and SQxR which are names of two related study methodologies.

# SQ3R

# Survey (“S”)

The first step, survey or skim, advises that one should resist the temptation to read the book and instead first go through a chapter and note the headings, sub-headings and other outstanding features, such as figures, tables, and summary paragraphs. This survey step only takes 3–5 minutes, but it provides an outline or framework for what will be presented. The reader should identify ideas and formulate questions about the content of the chapter.

# Question (“Q”)

Generate questions about the content of the reading. For example, convert headings and sub-headings into questions, and then look for answers in the content of the text. Other more general questions may also be formulated: What is this chapter about?What question is this chapter trying to answer?How does this information help me?The Question step again only takes 3–5 minutes to complete, but it will motivate the reader to seek answers to the questions.

# Read (R1)

Use the background work done with “S” and “Q” in order to begin reading actively. This means reading in order to answer the questions raised under “Q”. Passive reading, in contrast, results in merely reading without engaging with the study material.

# Retrieve (R2)

The second “R” refers to the part known as “Retrieve.” The reader should try to retrieve from memory what was learned in the same manner as telling someone else about the information. It is important that the reader use his/her own words in order to formulate and conceptualize the material. Try recalling and identifying major points (heading/subheadings) and answers to questions from the “Q” step. This recital step may be done either in an oral or written format and is related to the benefits of retrieval (testing effect) in boosting long-term memory for the material.

# Review (R3)

The final “R” is “Review.” Once you reach the end of the passage, say back to yourself what the point of the whole passage is – again, using your own words. You may then repeat the process on the second set of questions.[4]

# SQ4R

# S Survey

In the first step take a couple of minutes to skim the chapter. Don’t read it. Look at the chapter objectives, topic headings, picture/diagram captions, key words (if any), and read the summary. This peek at the chapter allows you to focus on the prevailing subject before getting bogged down in details. Many texts are organized often with useful coloring to assist you in this process.

# Q Question

As you prepare to read the chapter, turn the first topic into a question or two. As you read you search for an answer to your question(s). It takes only a second to change a topic heading such as “Correlation Studies” into “What is a correlation and what do the studies prove?” This will help you organize your reading - that answers the question, that gives an example, that’s just related information that may be a later question, that’s how it applies to me.You may find you rephrase the question as you read more. Some early chapters are designed to create more questions which are answered in later chapters (particularly chapter 1). Most importantly, this gives you a purpose for reading the next paragraph.

# R(1) Read

Look for the answer(s) to the question(s) you posed. Read in short “bites,” maybe a sentence or two, then determine how that answers your question(s). Often as you read other questions will arise. A series of questions leads to a complex, college level concept that gives structure and relevance to your studies.

# R(2) Recite

Now can you answer your question(s) in your own words? Can you answer your question in the words your instructor would use (such as on a test)? If you can’t, then reread the material to find the answer or to determine if you need to change the question. You are rehearsing for the time when you will need to know the answer. A good technique for rehearsing the answers is to briefly jot down the key word or words that will remind you of the essence of the answer without writing down every detail that you can never remember anyway. Some students highlight most or all of a sentence which diffuses the key word and is much less memorable than written notes. You can use the Overlearning to improve your note taking. Quoting material is perfectively acceptable but remember to write down the bibliographical reference with it. Follow this simple rule: before you copy a quote from a source, state your purpose for copying the quote and write the meaning in your own words.

# R(3) Relate

Most of us try to relate what we are reading to what we already know unless we are in too big of a hurry to finish, in which case, we probably won’t learn it anyway. It is always easier and more enjoyable to remember information that is personally meaningful. Everything has a context: a word in a sentence, a sentence in a paragraph, a paragraph in a concept, a concept in a topic, a topic in education, and an education in life. Some information may take some reflection time to be able to grasp relationships while other information may require more information, possibly research, to understand how it fits with other data.

# R(4) Review

One way to minimize memory decay is to place the material you have studied firmly in your mind by reviewing it. After you finish reading the entire chapter, skim back over it and any notes you made. Now, without looking, recall the questions and answers that steered your reading. How much detail can you provide? What other questions could you (or your instructor) ask about this material? Can you provide answers to those? Can you determine how much more review you will need to master the concepts? One of the most significant steps to learning, is understanding how much you know and how well you know it. Effective studying requires effective reading. Rather than getting “intellectual indigestion” reading straight through a chapter, stop to survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review to improve reading comprehension and course grades.

# Sources

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