Flatrick's Digital Garden


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Hi and welcome to my collections of thoughts and collected nuggets of information. I write my notes using Obsidian.md, which are then processed by Quartz to convert these notes into what you see now.

# The rabbit hole

This collection of thoughts are written attempting to follow the idea of Atomic Notes, so most notes will be fairly short.

As such small notes won’t provide much value on their own, I collect them in special notes that acts like maps over various topics. This opens up the possibility for me to reuse a note in multiple contexts, without having to rewrite the information.

I also create context for each individual note by attempting to link them to other notes that are relevant to the note, and this is where this system really starts to shines for me. It is through this particular aspect that any individual idea could possibly lead to entirely new insights when I find two notes floating near each other that I otherwise never would have thought of having any relations to each other.

# Follow the white rabbit

# List of Topics